Big Announcement: Diesel Vehicles Got Banned in India! Here are the Details

Union minister Nitin Gadkari has held talk on imposing an additional 10% tax on diesel vehicles in the program. According to him, the pollution tax must impose on these vehicles to stop the increasing pollution.

Mandating a program, Central Transport Minister Gadkari said that if these things continue, that is, excessive use of diesel-powered vehicles and generators, then a proposal of 10% additional tax on them in-the-name-of pollution tax could be contemplated.

This is the only way to bring about a change in green energy

He said that this is the only way for the change with green energy. Gadkari said that people are to shift their dependency from petrol-diesel to green fuel. If that is not done, the government will be forced to add additional tax. Immediately his statement became viral on social media soon to be followed by imposing taxes on pollution, but subsequently, Gadkari clarified that there is no proposal for the time being under the consideration of the government.

Diesel vehicles can even get banned by 2027.

He also added in the post that for the fulfillment of our commitments promised to achieve the target of carbon net zero by 2017, as well as to reduce the level of air pollution caused by hazardous fuels such as diesel and increase the sale of automobiles at a rapid rate, it is necessary to aggressively switch from those to clean and green alternative fuels.

Gadkari’s post thus was made clear that presently there is no such idea about an additional tax. But the way he has talked about increasing the use of green field and limiting the use of diesel. That’s increased the apprehension that the government is gradually tightening use of diesel vehicles. There are also some news regarding the possibility of the government banning diesel vehicles by 2027.

Sumit Kumar A passionate content writter with over 3 year Experience in Online Media Sector. He brings his expertise and skill set to the news section, providing readers accurate insights. Currently working as a Editor
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