School Holidays: Government Issued order to Close Schools and Colleges Immediately, Here are Details

In India, fear has been lurking in the atmosphere. A new virus has been found in China. This is what brings about fear now. Then comes the news that this epidemic of China is going to spread in India as well, and holidays have been announced in children’s school, so let us check what the full news is.

News regarding the School Holidays

After 5 years of time since the commencement of the Kovid epidemic, another new virus has come into view and is rapidly spreading in China. New virus is highly affecting the children under the age of 14. Now in such a way, government is worrying for this that it might come to India. You will be surprised to know that this virus is rapidly spreading among the children of North China, and named Human Motenumo Virus, infection of this virus is spreading rapidly.

Report from BBC Monitoring with a video has said that symptoms related to cold and Kovid-19 appear in the person and have seen rapid spreading. All such conditions have made neighboring countries of China to watch. The government also is busy with very effort to make this virus not spread in the country.

After the new virus comes in, news keeps spreading rapidly here in India that the government is closing schools for children’s holidays due to the epidemic going on in China. Presently, there are winter holidays announced by the government in the children’s school. But some are of the opinion that the holidays have been provided by the government in schools due to the epidemic in China.

To inform you all, the government has not declared holidays for kids’ schools due to the epidemic, this cold holiday is temporary, and once the weather gets better, schools will get opened for kids. Do not listen to these social media rumors. This is entirely wrong.

Children’s schools will remain closed

2025 Winter Break has been Announced in the capital of the country, Delhi. Now a Government order has been given to shut down government as well as private schools in capital Delhi. According to that order, orders have been issued to keep all schools closed from January 1 till January 15. Apart from this, permission has been allowed for operation of all schools from January 16, this order will be applicable to classes from 1 to 8.

Apart from them, according to the government order issued through the Education Department in Haryana, an adjoining state of Delhi, it is ordered that all schools shall remain closed from January 1 to January 15 due to unseasonal rains and a very steep reduction in temperatures. This order will be applicable to all, right from class 1 to 12. All such schools shall be opened again on January 16 in Haryana.

Schools close in Bihar due to the cold.

Let us tell you that here also, the effect of cold is not less; here too, even people shiver with cold. Lets us tell you that there are many districts in which hearing has reached visibility, in such a situation, DM has been instructed to declare a holiday in schools. Let us tell you that in Bihar, holidays have been given to schools from class 1 to VIII. Schools in Bihar will remain closed till January 11.

Rajeev Ranjan, an accomplished author and visionary thinker with a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering with a keen interest in exploring topics related to government welfare schemes, finance and business news. Currently He is Working as Senior Editor for the Blog. Contact: [email protected]

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